Healthwatch Norfolk- Use of Patient Data Survey

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Healthwatch Norfolk is the independent voice for patients and service users in the county. We gather people’s views of health and social care services in Norfolk and make sure they are heard by the people in charge.

The NHS securely collects and stores patient information to provide care. This includes details like medical history, test results, and treatments received from GPs, hospitals, and community health services.

Beyond direct care, this data helps the NHS and its partners—such as local councils and charities—improve healthcare and public services. By linking health data with other sources, we can:

  • Identify people who may need extra support before their health worsens.
  • Assess how well services meet community needs.
  • Design better care for the future.

Data is shared and analysed in a way that protects privacy. Personal details are removed or replaced with a code so individuals cannot be identified. In cases where re-identification is necessary—such as for direct patient care—strict legal and ethical safeguards apply. Identifiable data is never shared unless there is, or will be, a direct relationship between the service provider and the patient.

We want to hear your thoughts on how NHS data is used. Your feedback will help us ensure data is handled responsibly and securely while supporting better healthcare and services for you and your community. We want to hear from anyone living in Norfolk, Waveney, Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. 

Please fill in the survey below: